War Boar

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A War Boar.

War Boars are large boars that are kept by orruks, especially those of of the Bonesplitterz and Greenskinz.[3a][3b]


Though quite not as big as their grunta cousins, war boars are more than capable of carrying most orruks into battle. Again like gruntas, war boars are foul-tempered beasts, and more than one aspiring Boarboy has lost a limb or his life attempting to mount one. Their matted fur and thick hide give them excellent pain tolerance, meaning that when they gore or trample an orruk attempting to paint, tattoo, or brand them, it's usually more due to viciousness than pain.[1b][4b] War boars' potent sense of smell is much prized by the Bonesplitterz, who use them to locate bones.[1c]


A number of methods are used to capture wild boars to add to a warclan's herd. Sufficiently motivated orruks might construct "boar traps" to ensnare entire herds at once; one common type of trap is simply digging a big hole in the ground and baiting the boar herd into charging into it. Other times, they might drive boars out of their forest lairs by simply setting the trees on fire, hoping to grab hold of some panicked pigs in the resulting stampede. However, the simplest method is to simply tempt the boars into following the warclan by leaving them a trail of delicious offal leading to the pens.[1c][4b]

Spiritual Significance

Bonesplitterz view boars as something more than simple mounts. The bond between boar and orruk goes back to the Age of Myth, and in some clans - most notably the Icebone - tell tales of Shattatusk, the great boar that served as the mount of Gorkamorka, and venerate their boars as descendants of that godbeast.[1c][4a] Boar spirits are considered especially powerful in general, and their remains are prized for the spirit contained within; for example, Arrowboys tie boar bones to their bows in the hopes that this will cause their arrows to locate their targets as easily as boars snuffle out food.[1a][1d]


War Boars are often used as mounts by the following:



Units Rogue Idol - Savage Big Boss - Savage Big Stabba - Savage Boarboy - Savage Boarboy Maniak - Savage Orruk (Arrowboy - Morboy - Warrior) - Savage Orruk Shaman (Maniak Weirdnob - Wardokk - Wurrgog Prophet) - Squiggly Beast - War Boar
Characters Chagga Weird-Eye - Gurkak Weirdteef - Hedkrakka's Madmob (Dakko Sharp-stikka - Hedkrakka - Toofdagga - Wollop da Skul) - Rograk - Kruk Split-toof - Gulgaz Stoneklaw - Zogruk
Warclan Bonegrinz - Burnbiters - Drakkfoot - Flintjaws - Icebone - Krakkskulls - Splinterfoot
Armoury - Artwork - Miniatures

Units Boar Chariot - Boarboy - Mob - Great Shaman - Rogue Idol - Warboss - War Boar - Wyvern
Characters Bloodeye - Dakrug
Warclans Great Green Fist
Artwork - Miniatures