The Jaws

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The Jaws is a Realmgate in the Realm of Ghur which allows travel to and from the Realm of Shyish.[1]

The Jaws were simply named and crudely formed from the jawbone of some long-dead monstrosity, thrust into the earth and split open by the axe of Gorkamorka himself so that his favoured children might have a road to fresh conquests. However conquests in the lands of Nagash had proven elusive and the dead gave poor sport for large hordes of Orruks. In disgust, the two-headed god sealed that which he had cracked open.[1]

Since then a sprawling, ramshackle camp that had grown up around the Jaws where orruks brawled cheerfully among themselves. Indeed Greenskin tribes from all across the Amber Steppes made an annual pilgrimage to the Jaws, awaiting the day Gorkamorka would choose to open the realmgate again. Only the most violently devout were allowed to make camp there, and so as new tribes arrived, fights would inevitably broke out and entire wars were fought for the honour of camping close to the Jaws for a single night. [1]

Following the Realmgate Wars the gate was reopened by Ahazian Kel.
