Starspiral Realmgate

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The Starspiral Realmgate is a realmgate in the Kairic Heartlands in Chamon [1a] The realmgate is located south of the Lackshelter Peaks [2a]


Age of Myths

Queen Argentis Durenstein reinforced the defenses of the realmgate during the Age of Myth, fearing that the forces of Chaos would gain control of it. [2a]

Age of Sigmar

More than a century after the start of the Realmgate Wars, the Anvils of the Heldenhammer attempted to conquer the realmgate, hoping to make the area around it the birthplace of a new city of order. The Stormcast Eternals are overrun by packs of ghouls and many of the duardin accompanying them, engineers of the Ironweld Arsenal, are kidnapped by Skaven from Clans Skryre. [2a]
