Squiggly Beast

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Squiggly Beasts is the term used for the magically sensitive squigs that caper around the feet or ride on the shoulders of Wurrgog Prophets and other Bonesplitter shamans. The orruks often entice them out of hiding and into their service with enchanted bones, while other times they seem to seek out the shamans on their own, perhaps attracted by the large amounts of Waaagh! energy that surrounds Bonesplitterz or maybe just hoping that there will be a good meal in the destruction left by the orruks.[1a][4a]


Squiggly beasts often find themselves honoured companions of Bonesplitter shamans, who tap into the mystical energies that the squigs detect, attract, or absorb. Others, however, are not so lucky, and find themselves ground into paste so that their magical energies can empower the Bonesplitterz' warpaint.[4a]

Some Wurrgog Prophets, such as Hedkrakka and Grakkadrak, believe that their companion squigs speak to them to provide advice or instructions.[3a][4a]

Known types

Maniak Weirdnobs are frequently accompanied by a Ju-ju Squig or Weird Squig, which absorbs the magical energy swirling about the Weirdnob. When the Weirdnob needs a magical boost, he simply grabs the squig and gives it a good squeeze, unleashing all the absorbed energy.[1b][4b] A similar, though rarer, type is the Great Zappa Squig, which takes longer to cultivate but also provides a longer-lasting boost to the magical abilities of a shaman lucky enough to squeeze one.[1c]

The Wurrgog Prophet known as Hedkrakka is accompanied by a long Squiggly Snake with a venomous bite.[2] Hedkrakka believes this familiar delivers instructions to him from Gorkamorka.[3a]


Units Rogue Idol - Savage Big Boss - Savage Big Stabba - Savage Boarboy - Savage Boarboy Maniak - Savage Orruk (Arrowboy - Morboy - Warrior) - Savage Orruk Shaman (Maniak Weirdnob - Wardokk - Wurrgog Prophet) - Squiggly Beast - War Boar
Characters Chagga Weird-Eye - Gurkak Weirdteef - Hedkrakka's Madmob (Dakko Sharp-stikka - Hedkrakka - Toofdagga - Wollop da Skul) - Rograk - Kruk Split-toof - Gulgaz Stoneklaw - Zogruk
Warclan Bonegrinz - Burnbiters - Drakkfoot - Flintjaws - Icebone - Krakkskulls - Splinterfoot
Armoury - Artwork - Miniatures