Rain Gods of Thyria

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Once a collection of abstract Rain Gods were worshipped in the northern region of Thyria now known as The Sog.[1a]


Age of Myth

The people of northern Thyria venerated their abstract collection of rain gods long before the coming of the Age of Chaos.[1a]

Age of Chaos

When the Age of Chaos came to the Everspring Swathe many lands and peoples were devasted by an event known as Nurgle's Deluge. The region now known as The Sog was one land particularly devasted by the event, and many of the human tribes that resided there turned from their abstract rain gods to venerating Rotigus, a Great Unclean One of Nurgle.[1a]


The people who lived in the land now known as The Sog venerated their abstract rain gods as bringers of fecundity.[1a]
