Miracles of Alarielle

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The Miracles of Alarielle lists the miracles gifted to the followers of Alarielle, who receive a portion of her vitalising power, allowing them to tap into the essence of life itself.[1]


Name Deity Casters Description Sources
Balance of Nature Alarielle Blessed followers of Alarielle that are gifted her miracles The faithful can heal the wounds of another by taking on a portion of their suffering. Age of Sigmar Roleplay: Soulbound – Miracles of Alarielle, pg. 94-95
Children of Alarielle The faithful can sense the presence of all living creatures nearby. Age of Sigmar Roleplay: Soulbound – Miracles of Alarielle, pg. 94-95
Natural Selection The Everqueen grants her faithful a boon, allowing them to alter your form to perfectly adapt to their environment. This can include acute senses, claws, gills, night vision, or wings. Age of Sigmar Roleplay: Soulbound – Miracles of Alarielle, pg. 94-95
Verdant Growth The faithful infuse the earth with the essence of life, causing plants in an area to grow and bloom. This can be used to bolster crops and revitalise a land tainted by Chaos. Alternatively, these growth can be shaped into simple structures, such as ladders, bridges, and cover of vines and roots. Age of Sigmar Roleplay: Soulbound – Miracles of Alarielle, pg. 94-95
Wrath of the Everqueen The wrath of the Everqueen is terrible to behold, and many cower in her wake. The faithful draw upon a semblance of this fury to assault your foes, lashing them with thorny vines and wicked barbs. Age of Sigmar Roleplay: Soulbound – Miracles of Alarielle, pg. 94-95
Dwellers Below The faithful summons forth dangerous earth spirits with wicked teeth and jagged claws to savagely tear apart their foes. Soulbound: Champions of Order – Miracles of Alarielle, pg. 84
Green Paths The faithful and their allies can mystically travel through the spiritual and physical roots of plants. Soulbound: Champions of Order – Miracles of Alarielle, pg. 84
Many Jaws, Ever Hungry After a moment of prayer, the faithful invokes the Everqueen's protection over a site. As they pray, dozens of large carnivorous plants with vicious tooth-lined maws sprout from the ground in the immediate area, where they remain for some time, protecting the blessed of Alarielle. Soulbound: Champions of Order – Miracles of Alarielle, pg. 84
Reap and Sow This miracle grants one the ability to harvest a creature's heart with their bare hands, but they may later restore it to life with the mystically-preserved organ. The heart hardens into a tough woody seed when extracted, and can then be planted and watered with Aqua Ghyranis, whereupon the following morning the creature will craw from the ground restored, healed, and with memories intact. Soulbound: Champions of Order – Miracles of Alarielle, pg. 84
Spring Follows Winter Alarielle teaches her devotees how to turn their suffering into succour for others. When the devoted is wounded, their injuries will pulse with vibrant green life energy, healing nearby allies. Soulbound: Champions of Order – Miracles of Alarielle, pg. 84


Miracles, Blessings, and Prayers of the Mortal Realms and Beyond
Prayers Chaos Khorne (Blood Blessings) • Great Horned Rat (Echoes of the Great Plagues) • Idolators
Destruction Gorkamorka (Everwinter)
Order Alarielle (Miracles) • Ancestor Gods (Rune LoreGrimnir (MiraclesZharrgrim Blessings) • Grungni (Miracles)) • Ethersea (Isharann RitualsMiracles) • Khaine (Khainite CultMiracles) • Morai-Heg (Morai-Heg) • Morrda (Morrda) • Sigmar (MiraclesDraconithStormhosts) • Teclis (Miracles)
Other Universal PrayersInvocations Unit Prayers
DeitiesAge of Myth