Mount Celestian

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Mount Celestian is the greatest of all summits and is located in the Realm of Heavens, far to the north of Sigendil. Sigmar levelled it's top to house a conclave of deities, demigods and Zodiacal monsters to stroke the accords that would make his Great Alliance.[1][2]

In the Age of Myth, Sigmar’s great hammer Ghal Maraz smashed the mountain's peak away, leaving a lofty plateau which in turn was dominated by Lake Celestian, a shining blue lake. Upon its shores he built a city whose scale and glory outshone even Azyrheim, for it was made to be the abode of gods, those who would rule the the eight Mortal Realms.[2]

The city and court were together known as Highheim, the parliament where Sigmar's Pantheon of Order met during the Age of Myth.[2]


Highheim is the name given to the glorious city and court on the plateau atop Mount Celestian, it was created in the Age of Myth to be the parliament of the gods.[2]

Vast and beautiful dwellings were created to house those mighty beings, each a homage to their own nature - a castle of of vast and mighty bones, a wooden stockade strewn about with more bones, these gnawed upon. Twin, squat fortresses, one of iron and one of frozen fire, a counterpoint to the trio of slender towers whilst in a vale of scented woods where the waters of Lake Celestian tumbled to the lands below an an oak of inconceivable size grew.[2]

Court of the Gods

At the centre of the city were temples and at their centre a tower of blue light- at its summit was the Court of the Gods, a colonnaded space from whose vantage all the Mortal Realms could be seen.[2]

Thrones fit for the gods ringed it – bone for Nagash, white marble for Tyrion, silver for Teclis, dark stone for Malerion, fire-hued amber for Grimnir and rustless steel for his brother, Grungni. Alarielle's was of pale heartwood rooted in the stone, while Sigmar’s own gleamed golden. The thrones looked inward to the legendary Mirror of Bayla[2]

It was left deserted towards the end of the Age of Myth as the gods went their own ways and remained unused for millennia. After Sigmar had launched the new war against Chaos in the Age of Sigmar and his stormcast had found and awakened the goddess of life, he asked Alarielle to join him there once again to discuss matters beyond the war. Although she was reluctant to aid him beyond the ongoing war, he told her the tale of Sanasay Bayla, the mage who had crated the magical all seeing mirror that still bore his name and sat at the centre of the court.[2]
