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After a victorious battle a Fyreslayer Lodge will hold a Ghuzfest in celebration. These consist of much feasting and drinking, in particular of the strong and sulphurous magmalt ale favoured by the Fyreslayers. In certain cases, allies of the lodge my be invited to take part, but usually only other duardin, and only on particularly special occasions. The celebration can last for weeks, during which there is much boasting and recounting of heroic actions and deeds performed in the battle, as well as those performed by their ancestors. The Battlesmiths are essential for this as they memorise the long history of their lodge to recount it in sagas, in particular those of the Greyfyrd can spend weeks recounting the deeds of even a single one of their greatest heroes. [1a][1b][1c]


Some lodges have certain traditions they carry out at every Ghuzfest, such as the Vostarg, who raise a toast to Zhafor. He was one of the Runesons of Thorgar-Grimnir and the only one to carry on the Vostarg name when he was killed, thus founding the lodge who currently bear that name.[1a]


Notable Ghuzfests include the one following the Battle of Blackstorm which lasted a week and included Dispossessed Duardin from Hammerhal and even a sky-fleet of the Kharadron Overlords. During the celebration, Runeson Rolth - his reasoning dulled by the copious amounts of magmalt ale - spilled the secrets of Ur-Gold to the other Duardin in attendance. Rather fortuitously this accident led to the Duardrazhal. Or unification talks.[1b]
