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The Gazul-Zagaz are a society of Dispossessed Duardin from the Sea of Dust region in the Realm of Shyish [1]

Both the armour and clothing of the hold's people are blackened with soot, ash covers their hair and beards. Many wear masks. They are a mournful people, often given to singing dirges and skilled in the art of stealth. They are named after their god, Gazul who fought Nagash in Age of Myth and lost. They inhabit the remains of the Oasis of Gazul, a once glorious cavern-city built around the Gazul-Baraz, a limestone pillar.[1]


Age of Sigmar

In the Age of Sigmar they were contacted by Stormcast Eternals of the Hallowed Knights led by Lord-Aquilor Sathphren Swiftblade, offering them an alliance to defeat the Keeper of Secrets Amin'Hrith who had tormented them for centuries. In exchange, they would assist in finding Caddow and the Corvine Gate.[1]

The Stormcast lured the Greater Daemon to the heart of the city and smashed the ruby holding the soul of their last prince. The rune-singers were then able to raise him and other dead duardin to attack and destroy it. [1]

Following the victory, a force under Elder Gnol-Tul marched to Caddow to fulfil their oath. They engaged the beastmen hordes who inhabited the ruins.[2a] In the ensuing battle to hold the the Corvine Gate long enough for reinforcements to arrive from Azyr, they lost a third of their force. Later they clear out a temple of in the ruins of Caddowm slaying the Beastmen within, and convert it to a temporary temple to Gazul.[2b]

After their oaths were fulfilled they prepared to leave the city, but before they left Gardus Steel Soul and Ramus of the Shadowed Soul gifted them with a rune-blade, adorned with bones of a saint which would allow them to call upon the Hallowed Knights in times of need. An oath in exchange for an oath.[2b]



The Great Dirge of the Gazul-Zagaz is a culturally significant hymn comprised of over four thousand lines, with each line commemorating the slow decline of the clan over the course of the Age of Chaos.[2b]

Noteable Organizations

Rune-Singers: An ancient priesthood that wards the souls of their dead, and can even in extremis call them back to assist the living. They sing the souls of the dead to their god, who seems to still exist. [1]

  • Elder Judd: War-Mourner of the Gazul-Zagaz. [1]
  • Elder Gnol-Tul: He led his kinband to the ruin of the city of Caddow to aid Lord-Aquilor Sathphren Swiftblade [2a]
  • Hok: Tolvan to Elder Gnol-Tul, his chief subordinate who carries a stone tablet to inscribe the names of the dead after a victory or just before a defeat. [2a]


Units HammererIronbreakerIrondrakeLongbeardQuarrellerRunelordThundererUnforgedWarden KingDispossessed Warrior
Characters GrombrindalIdenkor Stonbrak
Notable Clans and Groupings Firewalk ClansGazul-ZagazGrunndrak ClanJadeforged ClansRiven ClansWuttenfolkZhu'garaz
Cities Fallen Karaks Karak-a-ZarukKarak-CairntombKarak-KhazharKarak KzafKarak OhrgafKarak ThainKarak ThorgaKarak Zorkai
Recovered Karaks Barak GornForge-City of GrungniKarag DawrkhazOasis of Gazul
Other Cities Karak-Grove of Karaznethil
Background Council of the ForgeKhazalidLabour ClansRunecraft
Armoury - Artwork - Language - Miniatures