Sea of Elemental Truths

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The Sea of Elemental Truths is a sea found to the north of the Jade Kingdoms of Verdia and Thyria. It extends south between the two Jade Kingdoms, forming the vast inlet known as the Globos Gulf, and extends westward forming Gulf of Hags in northern Verdia.[1a]


Age of Chaos

During this blighted age, the sorcerer known as Ethrac Glott releases cursed hagfish into the eastern reach of the Sea of Elemental Truths. The monstrous fish grow in size by feeding on the Aqua Ghyranis of the bay and interbreed at an alarming rate. The Gulf of Hags, as it becomes known, becomes overrun by diseased sea life and nearly impossible to traverse, separating the Jade Kingdom of Verdia from its allies to the north.[1b]


Bays and Inlets
