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Rhalaeth is the Sylvaneth High King of the Oakenbrow Glade and a member of the Royal Moot. His wise and just rulership and solemn code for his followers has helped make his glade respected as steadfast and just by both other sylvaneth and many throughout the Mortal Realms.[1a][3a]


He is a vast oldgrowth, taller than a mountain. [1a]


Alarielle trusts Rhalaeth, and will generally only disregard his advice in her most fey moods.[2a]


As the Realmgate Wars drew to a conclusion. he was present at the meeting of the Moot where Alarielle brought a huge force of Stormcast Eternals and the Celestant-Prime to urge an alliance to attack the Genesis Gate to the Allpoints. He was able to tell much of its history and the current dangers of its poisonous landshoals that contained vast amounts of toxin within flesh domes; these had devastated previous attempts by his glade to take the gate back from the forces of Nurgle and these would have to be the first target of the strike.[1a]


Sylvaneth Order
Background SylvanethSoul-Pod
Magic Lore (Lore of the Deepwood) • Unit-specific Spells
Active DreadwoodGnarlrootHarvestboonHeartwoodIronbarkOakenbrowWinterleaf
Defunct Daereth-HarEiderbractFrondkinHawthornSilverthorn
Forest Folk DryadBranchwraith
Free Spirits Arch-RevenantGossamid ArchersKurnoth HunterSpirit of DurthuSpiterider Lancers
Noble Spirits BranchwychRevenant SeekersTree-RevenantTreelordTreelord AncientWarsong Revenant
Outcasts Spite-Revenant
Spites BittergrubDragonspiteFlitterfuryGlowspiteQuiverbugQuiverlingSquirmlingWardroth BeetleZephyrspite
Special Unique AlarielleBelthanosDrycha HamadrethLady of VinesQulathisOlynderSkaeth's Wild HuntYlthari's Guardians
Endless Spells GladewyrmSpiteswarm HiveVengeful Skullroot
Scenery Awakened WyldwoodSylvaneth Wyldwood
Deities AlarielleKurnothSavage Maiden
Sylvaneth ArdanethBramble-MaidenCuthrucuItharyLady of VinesBrachylaenaDollenhalMaesleirOadenwulShaddockFelyndaelHaaldhormWilde KurdwenLharentholNellas the HarvesterRhalaethSternbarkSvarkelbudWythaDrycha HamadrethKelaraUsnielYlthari