Path of the Purified

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The Path of the Purified is a winding road that crosses much of the Ghyranite Jade Kingdom of Blackstone, from the petrified Greengyr forest to the base of Blackstone Summit. Though many of the stones marking the path have fallen over the ages, it still has the power to purify those who walk upon it.[1b][1c]


After several instances of Chaos corruption disrupting attempts to defend Blackstone from invasion in the Age of Chaos, the local Alarielle-worshipping druidic cults pooled their powers to create the Path of the Purified. Imbued with powerful life magic and constructed along ley lines, the path cleansed and purified all who traversed it. The way was marked with menhirs and passed through several starstone circles of standing stones.[1b][1c]


The path tests the body and soul of those who walk it, ensuring that those who cover its length are not compromised by Chaos. Travellers are often enveloped in a soft green light that grows brighter the longer a traveller has been exposed to Chaos, burning away any corruption.[1a][1c]


During the flight from Athelwyrd in the Realmgate Wars, the Lady of Vines led her sylvaneth and allied Stormcast Eternals along the Path of the Purified in the hopes of ensuring that the dormant Alarielle's soulpod would be cleansed of any potential corruption by the time it was planted at Blackstone Summit. Though they were attacked several times en route, the goddess' protectors succeeded in planting her soul-seed on the Summit, ensuring that she was reborn in her war aspect.[1a][1c][1d]
