Marshcrawla Sloggoth

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The Marshcrawla Sloggoth is a beast of war of the Kruleboyz consisting of a Sloggoth ridden by a grot warparty in a howdah on its back. The grots direct the sloggoth and hunt prey from the howdah with snatcha-stikks and catcha nets while a drummer pounds out a beat reminiscent of the footsteps of Kragnos, bolstering the spirits of their allies.[1]



Units Beast-Skewer Killbow - Breaka-Boss - Corpse-rippa Vulcha - Gnashtoof - Gutrippaz - Hobgrot Slittaz - Killaboss - Man-Skewer Boltboyz - Marshcrawla Sloggoth - Mirebrute Troggoth - Murknob - Sludgeraker Beast - Snatchaboss - Swampcalla Shaman
Characters Gobsprakk - Skumdrekk - Gazog - Haggok - Da Kunnin' Krew (Mannok - Torka Tuffskul - Shank - Krookgrin - Gikkit)
Warclans Big Yellers - Grotstabbaz - Skulbugz - Grinnin' Blades